Select number of times

Date of visit March 16th Sun.
Start time 10:00
Activity Bungee
Availability 6

What is the number of times?

Please enter the total number of times you will participate in the activity, not the number of participants.
 e.g. 1 time for 1 person = 1 time
    1 person twice = 2 times
    2 persons each = 2 times
    One person participates once and the other participates twice = 3 times
    One of the two participants once, the other participant only observes = once
Please register the number of participants and assign activities to each participant on the next screen and thereafter. (After selecting the number of times, please proceed to the next screen.)

*About Tandem Swing Reservations
Online reservations for tandems are not accepted due to the water level of the river and weight balance of the participants on the day of the swing. Please make reservations for 2 times and 2 participants only if you are comfortable with changing to solo (single-seater) if tandem operation is not available on the day of the tour.
Please indicate your preference for a tandem in the request field of the reservation form that will appear later.